World of warships submarines release date 2020
World of warships submarines release date 2020

world of warships submarines release date 2020

Even as pretty as it is, it comes packed with graphics options that should tone down enough for less powerful rigs to run it. I’ve mentioned it in passing already, but Warships looks incredibly good. And because boats can't pivot instantaneously, it takes pleasant intuition to pull off. Instead of doing a barrel roll or hiding behind a bombed-out church, this mental geometry is how captains stay safe on the oceans. There’s a sweet spot at around 30 degrees that brings all guns onto a target while minimizing exposure.

world of warships submarines release date 2020

Unfortunately, going broadside also shows the enemy team a huge target to shoot at. (I’ve tried to subdue that part of my brain with booze, but alas, it remains.) With guns mounted all down the body of a ship, facing broadside to an enemy is the best way to unload on some poor sucker. There’s an art to angles in Warships, and it tickles the tiny, forgotten part of my brain that experiences math as a form of pleasure.

World of warships submarines release date 2020